
faina de secara 100 g
faina de grau 480 300 g
200 g apa
1 lg ulei
1 lg sare
1 lg zahar
optional seminte (floarea soarelui, susan, in etc)

Eu am facut mai multe incercari pana am ajuns la aceasta varianta, pentru ca ma supara faptul ca painea nu imi creste suficient.Puteti folosi o proportie mai ridicata de faina de secara, dar in acest caz painea nu va mai creste la fel de bine.

Recipe in English
Rye Bread
100 g rye flour
300 g white/whole flour
200 g water
yeast (as much as needed)
1 tbl olive/sunflower oil
1 tbl sugar
1 tbl salt
After I switched from baking my bread with white flour to whole flour, I was very dissapointed because of the poor texture of the bread. After several tries, I began to reduce the quantity of the whole flour and only after that did the dough grew enough.
This the composition I consider perfect to keep the taste of the rye and let the bread grow.