Nu as fi zis vreodata ca o sa fac eu strudel cu mere. Mi se parea genul de desert prea laborios, foarte gustos si simplu de cumparat de la orice patiserie. Dar cum Daring Bakers ma readuce cu picioarele pe pamant, in aceasta luna mi-a dat tema de casa tocmai acest desert.
Pentru aluat aveti nevoie de:
200 g faina 1/8 lingurita sare 105 ml apa 30 ml ulei 1/2 lingurita otet
Dupa ce l-ati framantat bine, lasati aluatul la rece pentru 1 ora jumatate. Intindeti apoi aluatul pe o suprafata presarata cu faina: il intindeti si cu mana si lasand sa atarne aluatul si sa se intinda singur. Marginile mai groase le taiati cu foarfeca si le folositi la o alta foaie.
Puneti una peste alta foile de aluat si le umpleti cu amestecul ales, le rulati si le dati la cuptor.
Pentru umplutura eu am folosit: 1 kg mere razalite, 1 mana de nuci maruntite cu mana (bucati mai mari), zahar (dupa gust si dupa cat de dulci sunt merele), esenta de rom, scortisoara si pesmet (din nou, aproximati dupa cat de zemoase sunt merele – eu am folosit cam 10 linguri).
Am umplut aluatul, l-am rulat si l-am lasat la cuptor pentru aproximativ 45 minute.
Se serveste pudrat cu zahar, iar eu am adaugat si caramel.
I used the exact ingredients given by Courtney and Linda ( “Kaffeehaus – Exquisite Desserts from the Classic Cafés of Vienna, Budapest and Prague” by Rick Rodgers), so I can’t be held responsible for any original acts. So here it is!
For the dough you will be needing:
1 1/3 cups (200 g) unbleached flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
7 tablespoons (105 ml) water, plus more if needed
2 tablespoons (30 ml) vegetable oil, plus additional for coating the dough
1/2 teaspoon cider vinegar
Mix well the dough and let it in the freezer for 90 minutes. Than roll your dough out as thin as you possibly can and lay it in layers.
For the filling I used:
rum essence
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
80 g sugar
about 350 ml fresh bread crumbs
1/2 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
(1 kg) tart cooking apples, peeled
I filled the dough with this filling, rolled it and put in the oven for about 45 minutes. And here is what I took out :)):
Great job on your challenge and the strudel looks fantastic. I love the layers and layers of dough which looks so crispy.
I agree with you about the challenges, we have opportunities to try recipes we’ve never considered before.
Your strudel looks amazing. Congratulations on a challenge well met.
Foarte fain ti-a iesit ! Imi place reteta asta si am sa o incerc si eu 😉
Your strudel is the prettiest one I’ve seen. Your layers are perfectly flaky and light. I really love the way you plated it, too. Great job!
Holy flakiness..perfect dough and strudel!! Great job!
Beatiful job! Looks great anddelicious 🙂
Great job, your layers are so thin and crisp!
@All – thank you all very much for the great compliments 🙂 it was worth every second of the dough making :))
you all did great strudels and are a contant inspiration! :* 🙂
@Ala – mersi! sa o incerci neaparat! noi nu ne-am mai putut opri din mancat :))
Great job! WOW…so flaky. you must be pleased.
Beautiful work on this challenge – your strudel looks perfect so many layers of of crisp thin flaky pastry. An inspiration to all other DBers. Yes the spirit of the Daring Bakers is it is not a competition BUT what is respected is trying to do the challenge using your best efforts. Beautful picture
Nice post…Thank you for sharing some good things!!
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